13 Fascinating Facts About Female Cats


(00:00-01:00) Hey cat lovers! Welcome back to our channel! In our last video, we shared some surprising facts about male cats, and naturally, it’s time to dedicate a video to the ladies. Female cats are fascinating creatures with many unique traits. So, let’s dive into 13 amazing facts about female cats that will leave you in awe. Ready? Let’s get started!

[1: World’s Oldest Cat]

(01:01-03:00) Did you know that the world’s oldest recorded cat was a female named Cream Puff? Cream Puff lived an astounding 38 years and three days, earning her a spot in the Guinness World Records. Born on August 3, 1967, and living until August 6, 2005, this remarkable tabby mix resided in Austin, Texas, with her owner Jake Perry. Interestingly, Jake’s other cat, Grandpa Rex Allen, held the previous record at 34 years. Jake attributed their longevity to a unique diet that included dry commercial cat food, home-cooked eggs, turkey bacon, broccoli, coffee with cream, and red wine. While experts caution against giving cats coffee and wine, it’s fascinating to see such unique feeding practices linked to feline longevity.

[2: Multiple Fathers for a Litter]

(03:01-04:30) Here’s a fascinating tidbit: a litter of kittens can have multiple fathers! This phenomenon, known as superfecundation, occurs when a female cat mates with more than one male during her fertile period. As a result, her eggs can be fertilized by different males. This can lead to kittens in the same litter having varying colors, sizes, and characteristics. Superfecundation isn’t just limited to cats; it’s also seen in other animals like dogs and cows, and even, though rarely, in humans. If you notice a litter of kittens with a range of different colors and traits, it might be because they have multiple fathers.

[3: Dominant Paw]

(04:31-05:30) Just like humans, cats have a dominant paw. What’s even more interesting is that this preference differs by sex. Female cats generally prefer their right paw, whereas males tend to favor their left. A study found that 52% of female cats are right-pawed, 27% are left-pawed, and the rest show no preference. You can observe your cat to see which paw she uses more frequently when reaching for food, walking upstairs, or stepping over objects. This quirky trait adds another layer to the unique personalities of our feline friends.

[4: Longer Life Expectancy]

(05:31-06:30) On average, female cats live one to two years longer than male cats. While the exact reason isn’t clear, other factors such as whether a cat is indoor or outdoor play a significant role. Indoor cats typically live longer, with fewer risks from cars, diseases, and predators. Spaying also plays a crucial role in extending a female cat’s lifespan, reducing the likelihood of certain cancers and infections.

[5: Spayed Females Live Longer]

(06:31-08:00) Spayed female cats live 39% longer than their unspayed counterparts. Why? Spaying eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers and significantly reduces the chances of breast and mammary cancers. If spayed before their first heat cycle, the risk of developing breast tumors drops to nearly zero. Additionally, spaying prevents life-threatening uterine infections like pyometra, enhancing their overall health and longevity. It’s a simple procedure that has a profound impact on the quality and length of your cat’s life.

[6: Nicknames]

(08:01-09:00) Female cats have three distinct nicknames: Molly, Queen, and Dam. “Molly” is a generic term for any female cat, while “Queen” is used for pregnant cats or those nursing kittens. The term “Dam” is specific to purebred female cats used for breeding or older females. These nicknames reflect the various stages and roles a female cat can have in her lifetime. Whether she’s a Molly, Queen, or Dam, each nickname highlights the special role she plays in the feline world.

[7: Tortoiseshells and Calicos]

(09:01-10:00) Have you ever noticed that tortoiseshell and calico cats are almost always female? This is due to their genetics. The unique bicolored and tricolored coats require two X chromosomes, which females have. Males, with one X and one Y chromosome, rarely display these patterns. In fact, only one in three thousand calico cats is male, often due to an extra X chromosome. These rare male tortoiseshells and calicos are often sterile and have unique health considerations.

[8: Early Pregnancy]

(10:01-11:00) Female cats can go into their first heat cycle as early as four months old, though the average age is between six and nine months. This means a cat can get pregnant at just four months old! Breed plays a role in this, with Siamese cats maturing early and Persians maturing later. It’s important to be aware of this to prevent early and frequent pregnancies. Responsible pet ownership includes spaying to avoid the health risks and challenges associated with early pregnancy.

[9: Adoption Rates]

(11:01-12:00) Interestingly, female cats are adopted at a slower rate than males. A study showed that females stayed in shelters for an average of 8.3 months, compared to 6.4 months for males. This might be due to the misconception that male cats are more affectionate. However, a cat’s affection level is usually based on individual personality rather than sex. So, next time you’re adopting, consider bonding with the cat rather than focusing on its sex. Female cats can be just as loving and affectionate as their male counterparts.

[10: Colony Behavior]

(12:01-13:00) In the wild, female cats often stick together in colonies to help each other raise and guard their kittens. Males, on the other hand, tend to be solitary to avoid competition for food and mates. When males are around, they usually stay on the colony’s outskirts, waiting for mating opportunities. This social structure helps female cats ensure the safety and well-being of their young, showcasing the cooperative nature of these incredible animals.

[11: Popular Name]

(13:01-13:30) The most popular name for female cats in 2021 was Bella, according to Nationwide Pet Insurance’s database. Bella, meaning “beautiful” in Italian, is a common name for both humans and pets. Whether it’s short for Isabella, Annabella, or Arabella, the name Bella has a timeless appeal. If you have a cat named Bella, you’re in good company!

[12: Richest Female Cats]

(13:31-14:30) Did you know that two of the three richest pets in 2018 were female cats? Grumpy Cat, whose real name was Tardar Sauce, had a net worth of over $99 million. Taylor Swift’s cat, Olivia Benson, named after a character from “Law & Order: SVU,” has an estimated net worth of $97 million, thanks to her social media presence and commercial appearances. These feline celebrities have captured the hearts of millions and proved that cats can truly rule the world!

[13: Feeding Practices]

(14:31-15:30) Jake Perry, the owner of the world’s oldest cat, Cream Puff, fed his cats a unique diet that included dry commercial cat food, home-cooked eggs, turkey bacon, broccoli, coffee with cream, and red wine. While this diet seemed to work wonders for his cats, experts advise against giving cats coffee or wine. Each cat is unique, and what works for one might not be suitable for another. Always consult with a vet before making significant changes to your cat’s diet.


(15:31-16:00) Which of these female cat facts did you find the most surprising? Let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more fascinating cat facts. Remember, cats deserve to rule the internet, so let’s keep it that way. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next Caturday!

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